And so it begins. I always told myself that I would never blog, but lately I have felt a pull in that direction, and so here I am. This blog is a habit I hope to take up as life – This Life – goes on, as a way to document and express the great things going on in my life and the lives of those I love.
I have an exciting couple of months coming up which will begin with a long and much needed trip home for Thanksgiving. I am super excited about getting to spend some quality time with my sister (and her baby belly). Side note – I can’t wait for that baby girl to arrive in about 5 weeks!
Then the trip continues as I go home to spend time with the rest of my family and friends to celebrate Thanksgiving. Girl time, turkey, my family, my dog Boozer, friend’s thanksgiving, Black Friday shopping, and quiet time in the South are all things I am looking forward to in the coming days.
So here begins my journey as a blogger – hope all goes well!